How to enrol
We do our very best for all our clients and always aim to improve the employability of everyone we deal with. If you want to enrol in a Nationally Recognised Qualification or Course please read our Student Handbook first.
Browse this site to find out more about the training and development solutions we offer. We want to make sure you choose the right course for you. Once you have made your decision, or if you need help deciding, email, phone or complete an enquiry form and we will contact you to discuss your study options.
We will not enrol you in a Nationally Recognised Qualification without checking first that
- you meet the entry requirements
- you know the cost
- it is a qualification, skill set or unit of competence that is appropriate for you
- you are aware of what resources you will need to successfully participate
- you understand the amount of learning required and how you will be assessed.
If you are ready to enrol in a Nationally Recognised Qualification or Skill Set download and complete your enrolment form and send it to us. Alternatively you can complete an enrolment form online. Select "General Enrolment" and register. Our administration staff will contact you to discuss which qualification you want to enrol in.
If you just want to book into one of our awesome workshops or Health & Safety Representative courses, head over to our Calendar, find a date that suits and book online.
Log in to e-learning
Access and submit your assessments via the CTS eLearn portal. Students will need to refer to their login and password details provided by CTS at enrolment.
If you have difficulties logging in, please get in touch with CTS on 1300 262 807.
What is a traineeship?
A traineeship is a training and employment contract that has the intended outcome of a Nationally Recognised Qualification for the trainee and possible financial incentives for the employer. Traineeships are mostly available for new workers and are delivered on the job so there is no requirement for the trainee to leave work for off-the-job training.
Australian Government Incentives
Eligible trainees attract commencement and completion incentives for their employer. Guidelines and more information is available from the Australian Apprenticeship website or contact your local Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Provider for assistance.
Jobs & Skills WA Employer Incentives
The Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee. Base incentive payments may be available for eligible trainees of between $1062.50 and $4250. Find out more at the Jobs & Skills WA website.
Tuition Fee Subsidies
Most traineeships attract subsidised tuition fees through the Jobs & Skills WA program. Indicative fees are shown on individual qualification flyers available for download from our website.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your VET training undertaken in Australia.
If you're at university, TAFE or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. Without one, you can't get Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.Go to the Government USI website to:
- get a USI
- check if you have a USI
- reset your password
- view your VET transcript
- activate your USI
Student Handbook
Download the CTS Student Handbook.
Fees - Funded Programs
Publicly Funded Program Including Training Contracts (Traineeships)
The following should be read in conjunction with the current West Australian VET Fees and Charges Policy
Calculating Fees
The fee applicable is from the scheduled start date of the unit in which the publicly subsidised student is enrolled, irrespective of the date of enrolment or duration of the course.
Indicative tuition fees for publicly subsidised training for each qualification Combined Team Services offer are as follows:
- Certificate II in Resource Processing $813.00
- Certificate III in Resource Processing $1350.00
- Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety $1186.00
- Certificate III in Business $1200.00
- Certificate IV in Business $1200.00
These fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as student service and resource fees. Fees may vary depending on the units selected and the year in which a unit is commenced.
Concession Fees
Concessions on publicly funded courses are available to eligible students. Refer to the WA VET Fees and Charges Policy for further details.
Fee Waivers
Accountable officers may waive fees and charges for students who are assessed as being in severe financial hardship for courses below diploma level. Whether a student is in severe financial hardship is determined on a case by case basis. Further details are available in the WA VET Fees and Charges Policy.
Invoicing Arrangements
Enrolment is not complete until all statutory and RTO based fees and charges are paid, deferred payment arrangements have been made or fees and charges have been waived.
On enrolment students must take up one of the following payment options:
- Pay the full amount of fees and charges
- Provide written authorisation and/or Purchase Order from an employer to invoice that employer for the student's fees and charges
- Pay the fee by instalment - payment plans are available - conditions apply
- Make application on the grounds of severe financial hardship for fees and charges to be waived for courses below the Diploma level.

Fees - Fee for Service
Fee for Service is the term used for course charges where public funds that subsidise costs are not applicable or available.
Please refer to our individual course information on this website for guidelines to current fees.
Course fees will depend on individual circumstances at enrolment such as the location of the student, method of study and number of students enrolled where an employer is paying for a course. Course fees will be confirmed in writing prior to commencement by a Director or his/her delegate.
Combined Team Services reserve the right to not issue Certificates and/or Statements of Attainment until all fees and charges have been paid.
Withdrawing from study
We understand that circumstances can change, and committing to a learning program can be challenging. People also have a right to change their minds, direction and priorities. However, please note the following information if you decide that you do not wish to continue with your program of study.
Once your enrolment form is processed, you are officially a student, and you or the nominated payer are responsible for paying your fees.
Therefore you must withdraw officially in writing if you do not want to continue your studies.
If you do not withdraw formally, you remain enrolled and liable for fees, even if you have not started a unit, not accessed your assessments, or not attended a class. A lack of contact or response from you to your CTS Case Manager is not considered an official withdrawal.
The census date is the final date that you must withdraw by to be assessed for a refund as per the current West Australian VET Fees and Charges Policy; therefore, you must understand when your census dates are and either commit to continuing with your studies or provide written notice to CTS of your request to withdraw from your course formally.
Trainees will need to advise the Apprenticeship Office of their intention to cancel, or the traineeship will remain active, and you will still be considered enrolled with CTS until we are provided with the official cancellation notification from the Apprenticeship Office.
Enrolment terms
CTS will provide students with an end date for their unit (or units), cluster, or qualification where enrolments fall within the above circumstances. All assessment work must be submitted (and preferably assessed) by the given end date/s.
Should the student not complete a unit in that timeframe and not provide a valid reason to extend their enrolment, the unit will be expired, and the student is required to re-enrol and pay again if they wish to continue.
Typically, students may expect to be given the following timeframes for completion:
- 1 unit - one to 3 months
- A cluster of units - 3 to 6 months
- Qualification - 12 to 18 months
Students could expect to spend the following amount of time on their course work (both learning and assessment) if they wish to complete within their enrolment terms.
- Certificate II - minimum 4 hours per week
- Certificate III - minimum 6 hours per week
- Certificate IV - minimum 8 hours per week
- Diploma - minimum 10 hours per week
CTS Policies
Education & Support Services
- Industry Based Literacy & Numeracy Quizzes
- - national register for vocational education and training
- Jobs & Skills WA - Free career planning, training information and resources
- Your Career - lists all publicly available, nationally recognised VET organisations and courses
- Active Foundation
- Construction and Training Fund
- Legal Aid WA - get help with legal problems
- Disability Services Commission - Work and training
- Read Write Now - volunteer tutors provide free one on one assistance to help adults iprove reading, writing, spelling and maths
- Centrelink - Students and Trainee information
- Apprenticeship Office
- Anglicare WA - Mental health, counselling and mediation, financial counselling
- DEMIRS - Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
- Skill Wise (UK) - Practical literacy skills for adults
- Multicultural Services Centre of WA
- WorkSafe WA
- Unique Student Identifier (USI)
- Reading Writing Hotline
- Skills Wise (UK) - Practical Literacy Skills for Adults